Förnyelse av pass för barn under 18 år i Spanien Svenska pass kan förnyas trots att giltighetstiden gått ut. Om passet inte är giltigt krävs att även annan giltig fotolegitimation medtas. Se
瑞典对外交流委员会亚洲管理培训项目(SIMP)中国十周年校友庆祝活动 瑞典对外交流委员会亚洲管理培训项目(SIMP)中国十周年校友庆祝活动,于12月5日在瑞典驻上海总领事官邸举行。20多名分别来自企业,政府部门,非政府组织的校友受邀参加了该次活动。 瑞典对外交流委员会亚洲管理培训项目(SIMP)是由瑞典资助,旨在促进和支持负责任的领导力和可持续的商业活动。该项目于2009年引入中国,
基于COVID-19的原因延长经由瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令 4月16日,瑞典政府决定将经由瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令延长至5月15日。做出该决定遵循了欧盟委员会的建议。进入禁令的目的正如先前,是为了降低SARS-CoV-2病毒传播的影响并减缓COVID-19的爆发。 临时禁令于3月19日生效。进入禁令已被延长至5月15日(包括该日),与欧盟委员会的建议一致。
How to apply If you want to apply for a residence permit to move to someone in Sweden, submit your application in the e-service (please find link below), all information will be received by the
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. If you cannot or do not want to
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency and is given priority. If you cannot
Statement by Sweden at the adoption of the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Sweden 45th session of the Human Rights Council. Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Jardfelt. Madame Vice
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COVID-19: discurso do Primeiro Ministro Stefan Löfven "Existem alguns momentos críticos na vida em que você deve fazer sacrifícios, não apenas por seu próprio bem, mas também por aqueles que o
Trabalhar e residir na Suécia Para trabalhar na Suécia, precisará de obter um visto de residência. Mais informação sobre os procedimentos pode ser encontrada no link à direita ou visite o nosso