Primeiro-ministro sueco participou de cúpula global sobre democracia A segunda Cúpula para a Democracia ocorreu de 29 a 30 de março. A Suécia foi representada na cúpula virtual e em vários eventos
Pitanja i odgovori Ovo su pitanja koja se najčešće postavljaju u kontekstu procedure rešavanja boravišne i radne dozvole na osnovu studija. Zahtev za moju boravišnu i radnu dozvolu podnet je putem
Cittadino svedese residente in Italia L’ufficiale dello stato civile, dove si intende celebrare il matrimonio o registrare l’unione civile, necessità della seguente documentazione: Certificato di
How to apply Most people applying for a work permit should use the Swedish Migration Agency website and apply online. Applying on online 1. Prepare your documentation Check which documents and
How to apply Most people applying for a work permit should use the Swedish Migration Agency website and apply online. If you are applying online, are granted a permit and do not need a visa to
How to apply Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Board website. If you are applying
Webinar on Climate and Security in the MENA region On September 28th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar centred around the theme of Climate and
How to apply Most people applying for a work permit should use the Swedish Migration Agency website and apply online. If you are applying online, are granted a permit and do not need a visa to
How to apply Most people applying for a work permit should use the Swedish Migration Agency website and apply online. If you are applying online, are granted a permit and do not need a visa to
瑞典大使馆将于11月20日至21日闭馆两天 因瑞典大使馆工作计划日活动,使馆将于11月20日至21日闭馆两天。 瑞典公民在领事紧急情况下,可拨打使馆总机+86 10 8531 1800,电话会被转接至斯德哥尔摩外交部领事值班官员。 大使馆将于 2023 年 11 月 22 日星期三照常开放。 China Standard Time