Frågor & svar för svenskar i Kosovo Vi får många frågor från svenskar i Kosovo med anledning av protester och oroligheter i norra Kosovo. Vi förstår att många är oroliga över den uppkomna
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 17 May 2022: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union On the International Day against Homophobia,
OECD Economic Outlook Continued fiscal support and public health action needed to make hope of recovery a reality The prospect of a number of COVID-19 vaccines becoming widely available next year
My child got the coordination number . How do we apply for a Swedish passport? Renewal of passports for children when coordination number is ready The embassy receives passport applications on
How to apply Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Agency´s website. Below comes a brief
Botswana calls for bold action at Stockholm+50 The president of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi led a delegation to Stockholm+50 and re-affirmed the country´s commitment to spearheading the
How to apply Applying via VFS Global in Abuja or in Lagos The quickest and easiest way to apply is at the Swedish Visa Application Centre in Abuja or in Lagos, which is managed by VFS Global. How to
Nobel Prize 2018 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards every year in Stockholm on 10 December the Nobel Prize according to the last will and testament of Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Prize is an