Nordic Talks Japan Design and Sustainability - The Function of Design in Society Mitigating the impacts of climate change and moving towards more sustainable societies are a challenge for every
Подати документи на візу Подання заявки на отримання візи до Швеції через компанію Ві-Еф-Ес Глобал, партнера Посольства, є найшвидшим та найпростішим шляхом:,
スウェーデンの大学入学内定者と 留学経験者の交流会 来る4月24日に今年の秋からスウェーデンの大学に留学される方を対象としたイベントを開催することとなりました。 大使館職員より滞在許可の申請方法、現地での生活のアドバイスや留学体験談をお話させて頂きます。また留学経験者によるプレゼン、内定者と経験者が直接交流する場を設けます。留学経験者の方におかれてましては同じ経験を持たれた方と交流できる数少
Contracter un PACS Le pacte civil de solidarité (PACS) est un contrat conclu entre deux personnes majeures, de sexe différent ou de même sexe, pour organiser leur vie commune. Si vous souhaitez
Licitação para Evento Embaixada da Suécia abre licitação para produção de evento em dezembro de 2019. Estrutura do evento, para aproximadamente 500 pessoas, deve incluir tendas, RH (recepcionistas
Primeiro-ministro sueco participou de cúpula global sobre democracia A segunda Cúpula para a Democracia ocorreu de 29 a 30 de março. A Suécia foi representada na cúpula virtual e em vários eventos
How to apply for a work permit Regardless of how you apply, your work permit must have been granted before you leave for Sweden. The employer initiates the application Your employer in Sweden
Webinar on Climate and Security in the MENA region On September 28th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar centred around the theme of Climate and
Kenyan residents As a resident in Kenya you especially have to consider the following in addition to the general requirements. 1. Custody and Maintenance If either of the parent is absent or
How to apply For faster service it is recommended to use the Swedish Migration Board website and apply online. If you are applying online and are granted a permit and do not need a visa to enter