Aktuella händelser Uppdatering med anledning av fortsatt raketbeskjutning mot Israel från Jemen: Sedan den 19 oktober har det enligt Israels försvarsmakt avfyrats över 200 missiler och 170 drönare
Les Perspectives des migrations internationales de l’OCDE, édition 2019 Les migrations humanitaires reculent, contrairement aux migrations familiales et de travail qui s’inscrivent en hausse. Les
Frequently asked questions Related to the call for Innovative ideas for support to environmental civil society in Albania. 1) What is the expected duration of the project? Answer: Maximum 3
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. Applications for children to
How to apply for a student visa? Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Agency website. If
Introductory information to companies Introductory information for business and interested in investing in North Macedonia April 2001, Macedonia signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement
How to apply Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Agency website. Applying online How to
Medical treatment If you apply for a visa to visit relatives and friends, you must submit all of the following documents. Please note that it is important to submit all the required documents.
Applying for a visa to Sweden If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa to visit Sweden. Citizens of North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and
Inför Europaparlamentsvalet 2019 Den 26 maj är det val till Europaparlamentet. Alla som uppfyller kriterierna för rösträtt vid val till Europaparlamentet och som vid tiden innan valdagen befinner