Medical treatment If you apply for a visa to visit relatives and friends, you must submit all of the following documents. Please note that it is important to submit all the required documents.
Applying for a visa to Sweden If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa to visit Sweden. Citizens of North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and
第三个中国瑞典医疗论坛 2018年9月6日星期四,第三个中国瑞典医疗一个论坛在安徽省合肥市成功举行,论坛的主题为慢性呼吸系统疾病。 本次论坛主要关注慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD),一种经常被诊断不足的疾病。COPD的流行率随社会年龄的增长而增加,可导致社会和经济负担。科学家和政府官员讨论了应对慢性呼吸道疾病上升趋势的研究和政策制定。 瑞典驻上海副总领事施子天先生为论坛致开幕辞,
Så ansöker du Det enklaste och snabbaste sättet att söka uppehållstillstånd är att göra en webbansökan. Webbansökningar går direkt till Migrationsverket och prioriteras. Om du inte kan eller vill
María Ximena Figueroa Olaya María Ximena Figueroa, nacida el 25 de mayo de 1979; mujer Tolimense de descendencia Indígena Pijao; defensora de los derechos de las Mujeres y los derechos humanos. Su
JOB VACANCY - MIGRATION ASSISTANT Do you want to work in a regional context with providing service and efficiency in migration issues? The Embassy of Sweden in Bogotá is a regional hub for
Faites votre levure maison ! Qui n’adore pas les kanelbulle – ces brioches à la cannelle ! Alors comment les rendre encore plus délicieuses ? Pourquoi ne pas essayer de la levure boulanger faite
L'OCDE et les pays donateurs augmentent l'aide officielle en 2019 pour faire face à la crise de Covid-19 L'OCDE et les pays membres qui fournissent de l’aide internationale étudient comment ils
Sweden's view on the European Commission’s new strategy for the Western Balkans Please read this article for a full statement from the Swedish MFA regarding the EU Commission´s strategy document on
Trade between Sweden and India Trade and Investments Sweden – India Trade According to the latest statistics, Swedish exports of goods to India amounted to around SEK 17.3 billion in 2022. Swedish