Introductory information to companies Introductory information for business and interested in investing in North Macedonia April 2001, Macedonia signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement
How to apply Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Agency website. Applying online How to
Medical treatment If you apply for a visa to visit relatives and friends, you must submit all of the following documents. Please note that it is important to submit all the required documents.
Applying for a visa to Sweden If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa to visit Sweden. Citizens of North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and
Så ansöker du Det enklaste och snabbaste sättet att söka uppehållstillstånd är att göra en webbansökan. Webbansökningar går direkt till Migrationsverket och prioriteras. Om du inte kan eller vill
Webinar COVID-19 Dr. Anders Tegnell, epidemiologista chefe da Agência Sueca de Saúde Pública, e Johanna Brismar-Skoog, embaixadora sueca no Brasil, conversam sobre medidas tomadas para mitigar a
Amigos em Defesa da Democracia Na última sexta-feira, 25/09, chanceleres e representantes da Geórgia, Libéria, Mongólia, Portugal, Suécia, Tunísia e Uruguai se reuniram à margem da Assembleia Geral
Solicitação do primeiro passaporte sueco para crianças menores de 18 anos Documentos necessários para solicitação para crianças que não tiveram passaporte anterior. Antes de fazer a solicitação
Trade between Sweden and India Trade and Investments Sweden – India Trade According to the latest statistics, Swedish exports of goods to India amounted to around SEK 17.3 billion in 2022. Swedish
María Ximena Figueroa Olaya María Ximena Figueroa, nacida el 25 de mayo de 1979; mujer Tolimense de descendencia Indígena Pijao; defensora de los derechos de las Mujeres y los derechos humanos. Su