Nya regler gällande visum till EU-länder Nya regler gällande visum till EU-länder (ny viseringskodex) – vad innebär det? (Për verzionin Shqip - shif më poshtë) (Српска верзија на дну странице) Nya
Internship Opportunity at Kosovo Agency for Statistics Would you like to contribute to the development of Kosovo? Do you like playing with data and looking into what is behind them? If yes, than we
基于COVID-19的原因延长通过瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令 5月14日瑞典政府决定延长通过瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令至6月15日。 该决定的做出遵循了欧盟委员会的建议。进入禁令的原因正如先前,是为了降低SARS-CoV-2病毒传播的影响并减缓COVID-19的爆发。 临时禁令生效于3月19日。进入禁令已被延长至6月15日(包括该日),与欧盟委员会的建议一致。
Lediga tjänster/Open Positions The Embassy of Sweden’s responsibility is to promote, broaden and deepen the excellent bilateral relations between Sweden and the Republic of Korea in a wide range of
Väliaikainen passi Jos olet kadottanut tavallisen passisi tai jos sinulla ei ole sellaista ja sinun on matkustettava hyvin lyhyellä varoitusajalla, voit hakea väliaikaista passia. Ruotsin
Laureaci konkursu "Jak mogę zmieniać świat?" - Katarzyna Girul Oto kolejna praca wyróżniona w konkursie "Jak mogę zmieniać świat na lepsze?", inspirowanym postacią Raoula Wallenberga. Dziś esej
Nevenčani parovi Potrebna vam je sledeća dokumentacija: Dokumentacija koja je potrebna svima Uverenje o slobodnom bračnom stanju - overeno apostilom na opštinskom sudu i prevedeno na švedski ili
For Non-EU-Citizens Here you find information about moving to someone in Sweden, visiting, working or studying in Sweden. 1. Moving to someone in Sweden In order to join your family or relative in
OECD and donor countries working to focus development efforts on Covid-19 crisis, building on a rise in official aid in 2019 The OECD and member countries that provide foreign aid are exploring how
Eastern Partnership’s past, present and future-conference in Sweden On 5-6 November, the Swedish capital Stockholm hosted a conference to discuss the future of the Eastern Partnership and reflect