Há ainda muito a fazer para assegurar os direitos da criança Foram necessários dez anos de negociações, mas, em contrapartida, todos os Governos da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas apoiaram a
关于我们 欢迎来到瑞典驻华大使馆。我们主要的工作职责是在中国代表瑞典和瑞典政府,并促进瑞典的利益增长。 1950年5月9日,瑞典与中华人民共和国正式建立了外交关系,成为了第一个与中国建交的西方国家。从此,对华关系成为瑞典外交政策的一个重要组成部分。 时至今日,瑞中两国在各领域的合作与交流在不断加强,在国际、人权及双边关系问题上保持着开放性和建设性的对话关系。此外,贸易促进与发展合作、
Inclusive participation in Libya’s peacebuilding and political process – report from an informal discussion with Libyan women peacebuilders and leaders At the end of June, the Swedish Dialogue
Webinar Water & Security On October 28th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar centred around the theme of water and security, including aspects of
#Bergman100 em Vitória Em comemoração ao Centenário do nascimento de Ingmar Bergman, o Cine Metrópolis, com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil, exibirá, de 19 a 25/07, cinco longas-metragens de
Sobre nós Bem-vindo à Embaixada da Suécia em Brasília. A tarefa da embaixada é representar a Suécia e o governo sueco no Brasil e promover os interesses da Suécia. A embaixadora da Suécia no Brasil
“The World Would be a Different Place Without Albert Einstein” – Interview with Swedish Professor Johan Robertsson at ETH in Zürich “Albert Einstein was totally groundbreaking and fundamentally
EU statement at the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Statement on behalf of the EU and its Member States delivered by H.E. Ms. Paulina Brandberg, Minister for Gender Equality
How to apply You register your visa application online. You pay and book an appointment at the same time. Click the link to watch a short film in farsi about how to book an appointment to apply for
Webinar Water & Security On October 28th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar centred around the theme of water and security, including aspects of