National Statement at National Statement at the 61st Session of the Commission for Social Development National Statement delivered by H.E. Ms. Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, Minister for Social
Statement by Sweden on Agenda item 130: Investigation into the conditions and circumstances resulting in the tragic death of Dag Hammarskjöld Statement by Ambassador Irina Schoulgin Nyoni on Agenda
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. Applications for children to
Workshop and an exhibition “Nordic Solutions for Sustainable Cities” The Embassy of Sweden in Yerevan and the American University of Armenia (AUA) Acopian Center for the Environment are organizing
57th session of the Commission on Population and Development: National Statement National Statement delivered by H.E. Andreas von Uexküll, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN, at the
瑞典国家馆亮相第十九届SIAL中食展 今天,亚洲地区最大的食品饮料专业展会SIALChina中食展在上海新国际博览中心拉开帷幕。由8家瑞典食品展商组成的瑞典国家馆凭借着优质的产品、极具新意的展会设计和别出心裁的互动环节成为本次中食展的一大焦点。瑞典农业农村事务大臣斯万-叶瑞克· 布克特、瑞典驻上海总领事林莉、瑞典驻华大使馆农业事务参赞倪睿星、瑞典投资与贸易委员会总经理霍伦伟、
Як подати документи Найшвидший і найпростіший шлях подати документи на дозвіл на проживання – це подати документи в режимі онлайн. Електронна анкета безпосередньо відправляється до Міграційного
Prawa osób LGBTQI w Szwecji W dniach 2-8 sierpnia w Sztokholmie trwa festiwal Stockhlom Pride. W tym roku festiwal odbywa się pod hasłem "Klucz do wolności"; wolności bycia sobą i kochania, kogo się
Anunciando os Diálogos Nórdicos no Dia Internacional da Mulher Declaração conjunta para o dia 8 de março das representações nórdicas no Brasil: os países Nórdicos e o Brasil engajados na luta pela
Empresas suecas projetam investimentos e geração de empregos no Brasil Pesquisa da Câmara do Comércio Sueco-Brasileira aponta o otimismo das companhias suecas para ampliar a presença no país a