瑞典团队参加了中国国际进口博览会(CIIE) 习近平主席去年宣布举办的中国国际进口博览会于11月5日至10日在上海举行。进口博览会将是一年一度的活动,也是中国最大的进口展会,旨在扩大进口。来自全球的3,600多家公司参加了博览会,并与40万名来访的境内外采购商会面。 瑞典基础设施大臣托马斯·耶纳路特先生与来自其他130多个国家的代表一起参加了虹桥国际经贸论坛的开幕式。
在上海庆祝来自瑞典的可持续时尚 12月13日和14日,总领事馆与瑞典对外交流委员会及五个来自瑞典时尚品牌——Charlotta Gandolfo、Gina Tricot、Happy Socks、Madnomad和Pampas——在上海的希华馆举办了数场以来自瑞典的可持续时尚为主题的活动。 冬季招待会在第一天举行。瑞典驻上海总领事(大使衔)Marie-Claire Swärd Capra
How to apply If you want to apply for a residence permit to move to someone in Sweden, submit your application in the e-service (please find link below), all information will be received by the
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. If you cannot or do not want to
UN, New York Sweden in the UN Security Council After being elected by a wide margin to the United Nations Security Council, Sweden was a non-permanent member of the Council for the 2017–2018 term.
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency and is given priority. If you cannot
疫情下瑞典领馆处理申根签证申请的最新信息 瑞典的临时旅行禁令生效至10月31日,但是有延期的可能。 根据疫情在欧盟内外的进展,旅行禁令可能会放宽或者重新引入。 请注意,所有旅行者 都有 责任在出发前核实旅行禁令的 生效情况。 重要提示:持有签证并 不能 确保您被允许进入瑞典或者申根国家。瑞典边境警察将确定您是否符合入境条件。该项审核程序将在瑞典边境管制站进行。
신청방법 거주허가를 신청하는 가장 쉽고 빠른 방법은 스웨덴이민국 홈페이지를 통한 온라인 지원입니다. 인터넷을 통한 신청은 스웨덴이민국으로 직접 신청하는 방법이며 우선적으로 처리됩니다. . 아래의 안내는 신청자와 방문하고자 하는 가족이 각각 스웨덴 시민이거나 비유럽연합/유럽경제지역 시민이 아닌 경우에만 적용됩니다. 온라인으로 신청하기 신청방법 1.
“2019设计上海”中的「瑞典设计故事 」展览 3月6日-9日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆在“2019设计上海”中呈现「瑞典设计故事 」展览,今年是瑞典驻沪总领事馆连续第四年作为参展方参加“设计上海”。 本次展览由瑞典对外交流委员会总策划,瑞典驻沪总领馆将其交由中方策展人颜宓为“2019设计上海”度身策划,为中国的设计爱好者们带来此特别呈现版本。 在展览首日,瑞典驻沪副总领事施子天先生(
Frequently asked questions Related to the call for Innovative ideas for support to environmental civil society in Albania. 1) What is the expected duration of the project? Answer: Maximum 3