Suécia lança programas para acelerar o desenvolvimento de energia renovável em Moçambique Na sexta-feira, 14 de Setembro, o Chefe de Cooperação, Mikael Elofsson, lançou o Challenge Fund REACT SSA,
Ett urval av ambassadens projekt i Uganda Hälsa Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa är ett eftersatt område i Uganda. Att känna till och förstå orsaker och konsekvenser av till exempel oönskade
Besök släkt och vänner längre än 90 dagar Om du vill besöka Sverige i mer än 90 dagar behöver du ansöka om uppehållstillstånd för besök eller, om har särskilda skäl, ett så kallat D-visum. Allmän
Nordic Joint Statement at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar Nordic Joint Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar,
Update regarding Covid-19 respons in Sweden In response to the European Council’s and the European Commission’s call for travel restrictions, the Government decided on the 18 of March to temporarily
Frequently asked questions Visit and telephone hours The reception of the Migration Section is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 08.00-10.00 for all visitors. No appointment is
Sweden’s support to Research on Gender Studies at Ugandan Universities As part of the Women's Day celebration in 2021, we have chosen to showcase how Sweden's support to research in Uganda has
Frequently asked questions - I would like to apply for a residence permit The best way is to submit an online application. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. You
瑞典参与2021春夏上海时装周 继今年上半年上海云上时装周之后,2021春夏上海时装周在10月回归线下。作为其中的一部分,10月9日至13日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆和瑞典对外交流委员会携手瑞典品牌H&M和BabyBjörn呈现展览“时尚革命:纺织品的未来”并在10月12日举办瑞典可持续时尚论坛“时尚的速度”。 时尚业是世界上最不可持续的行业之一——自2000年以来,时尚行业的规模已经翻倍,
瑞典驻上海总领事馆庆祝瑞典国庆节 鉴于近日来新冠疫情在上海已经得到控制,瑞典驻上海总领事馆为庆祝6月6日瑞典国庆节举办了大型推广活动,活动现场布满了瑞典黄蓝两色的装饰。 本次活动的主题是可持续性,位于中国东部的瑞典企业参与了活动并且分享了相关领域的经验。沃尔沃汽车、沃尔沃集团、力矿贸易、北魁思联木材、阿法拉伐、奥托立夫、布鲁雅尔、史提伯格、菲丽嘟、噢麦力、斯高迪食品、博露沃特、Gränges