The Council of Europe The Council of Europe (in Swedish: Europarådet) was created in 1949 by ten like-minded countries, Sweden being one of them. The organisation, which is the continent's leading
Great results achieved in 2020 by CSOs supported by Sweden in Moldova Sweden is a visible and strong advocate and supporter of tailored programmes carried out by CSOs in several areas: human rights
Świadomy rodzic, bezpieczne dziecko - zwolnij, jedź uważnie i wybierz fotelik montowany tyłem Szwedzi od lat pojawiają się w czołówce rankingu szczęścia Happiness Index, ale to nie tylko dlatego,
Apply for a residence permit If you wish to move to Sweden to live with a close relative, you need a residence permit. It must be ready before you enter Sweden. Other rules apply to citizens of an
How to apply If you want to apply for a residence permit to move to someone in Sweden, submit your application in the e-service, all information will be received by the Swedish Migration Agency
发言人关于英国广播公司禁令的声明 2月11日,中国禁止英国广播公司在中国进行广播,与该公司对新疆和COVID-19大流行病的防控进行了报道有关。 这是继2020年多次驱逐外国记者后,中国在境内限制言论自由和获取信息的最新举措。欧盟也曾多次就中国境内记者和媒体工作者受到恐吓和监视的案件发表声明。 中国这一决定的另一个后果是,
Trafiksäkerhet och resor i landet Trafiken i Lima är hetsig och riskabel. På landsvägarna är trafikolyckor vanliga, ofta med långfärdsbussar. Det är viktigt att iaktta stor försiktighet och
Bikes versus Carros em Benevides/Pará Com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia, Projeto Juventude em Ação, da Secretaria Municipal da Juventude de Benevides, no Pará, exibe na sexta-feira, 31/05, às 10h,
Restrições para entrada a Suécia: Teste de Covid e recomendação de quarentena chegando do exterior Foi prolongado até o dia 31 de maio de 2021, a obrigatoriedade da apresentação de um resultado
瑞典钢琴家卡尔·彼得森独奏音乐会 10月28日,瑞典钢琴家卡尔·彼得森将在上海举办钢琴独奏会。 卡尔·彼得森15岁开始学习钢琴,从丹麦皇家音乐学院毕业之后,卡尔曾受邀和加拿大、美国、瑞典、丹麦、波兰、法国、捷克、德国和以色列的众多乐团合作。他的演奏范围非常广泛,从巴洛克、古典派、浪漫主义、后浪漫主义、印象派、爵士乐到其他20世纪的音乐风格均能收放自如地演奏。 卡尔·彼得森钢琴独奏会 时间: