Suécia lança programas para acelerar o desenvolvimento de energia renovável em Moçambique Na sexta-feira, 14 de Setembro, o Chefe de Cooperação, Mikael Elofsson, lançou o Challenge Fund REACT SSA,
Ett urval av ambassadens projekt i Uganda Hälsa Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa är ett eftersatt område i Uganda. Att känna till och förstå orsaker och konsekvenser av till exempel oönskade
Besök släkt och vänner längre än 90 dagar Om du vill besöka Sverige i mer än 90 dagar behöver du ansöka om uppehållstillstånd för besök eller, om har särskilda skäl, ett så kallat D-visum. Allmän
Nordic Joint Statement at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar Nordic Joint Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar,
Update regarding Covid-19 respons in Sweden In response to the European Council’s and the European Commission’s call for travel restrictions, the Government decided on the 18 of March to temporarily
Frequently asked questions Visit and telephone hours The reception of the Migration Section is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 08.00-10.00 for all visitors. No appointment is
Sweden’s support to Research on Gender Studies at Ugandan Universities As part of the Women's Day celebration in 2021, we have chosen to showcase how Sweden's support to research in Uganda has
Frequently asked questions - I would like to apply for a residence permit The best way is to submit an online application. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. You
Angielska wersja wystawy Angielska wersja wystawy/English version of the exhibition 1. Hello, girls! – women in the Ericsson company at the turn of the 20th c. The role of women in the process of
COVID-19: discurso do Primeiro Ministro Stefan Löfven "Existem alguns momentos críticos na vida em que você deve fazer sacrifícios, não apenas por seu próprio bem, mas também por aqueles que o