ICT Sweden is the biggest market place in the Nordics and the natural location for the majority of international ICT companies targeted at the Nordic and Baltic markets. The consumer market in
Mariage devant les autorités françaises En France, les mariages civils sont célébrés à la Mairie (borgmästarämbetet). En principe, les futurs époux doivent être domiciliés dans la commune où le
Konsulärt informationsmöte Generalkonsulatet i San Francisco välkomnar till Zoom–möte med syfte att informera om vår konsulära verksamhet! När: Fredagen den 26 januari 2024, klockan 12.00 -14.00 (
Så ansöker du De allra flesta som vill ansöka om uppehållstillstånd för studier vid universitet och högskolor kan använda Migrationsverkets webbansökan. Webbansökan Så här går det till (för
New Form of Capitalism in Japan and The Nordic Vision: Reskilling and labour mobility Seminar Part 2: Reskilling and labour mobility The Nordic vision 2030 is to make the Nordic region the most
Changed opening hours (Visa & Migration section) In order to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 virus the Embassy of Sweden in Cairo decided to temporarily change opening hours for the migration
Amendment regarding entry into Sweden as of 6th of September 2021 The Government to reintroduce ban on entry to Sweden for travelers from Lebanon The amendment will enter into force on 6 September
European Film Week in Iran The European Film Week is taking place 12-19 October in six cities across Iran. Sweden is participating with the movie Astrid. Sweden is participating with the movie
You pay a fee for your work permit application. The money is not refunded if your application is rejected. Fee for work permit application Work permit application: SEK 2 000 to be paid in local
New EU Visa Policy – New Visa CODE Read more about the new EU Visa Policy and the New Visa Code New EU Visa Policy – New Visa CODE New EU rules on short-stay (Schengen) visas become applicable from