Saumon mariné Saumon mariné - "Gravad lax" Ingrédients: 1 kg de saumon (partie du milieu) 4 c. à soupe de sucre 4 c. à soupe de sel 2 c. à thé de poivre blanc en grains écrasés 1 gros bouquet
The 2018 election On Sunday 9 September, there will be an election in Sweden to the Riksdag, municipalities and county councils. When the polling stations have closed on election day, election
Digital Sweden teaser at Delphi Economic Forum Ambassador Charlotte Sammelin delivered on March 2 a teaser about “Digital Sweden” at Delphi Economic Forum, highlighting Swedish government reforms,
New rules for passport check The Swedish Migration Agency introduces new rules for better passport checks for residence permit applicants. Applicants for a first time residence permit must show
OECD Economic Outlook, November 2022 The OECD Economic Outlook is the OECD’s twice-yearly analysis of the major global economic trends and prospects for the next two years. The global economy is
Embassy Staff The following people work at the Swedish Embassy in Harare. Per Lindgärde Ambassador Personal Assistant to the Ambassador POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL SECTION First Secretary, Head of
Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Cuba UN Human Rights Council, UPR 30th session. Swedish statement delivered by H.E. Ms. Veronika Bard. Mr. President, Sweden welcomes the
42nd session of the UPR Working Group - Review of Guatemala Recommendations by Sweden delivered by Mr. Fredrik Nivaeus, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative. Mr. Vice President,
Statsminister Stefan Löfven till Paris Den 11 november 2018 är det ett hundra år sedan den vapenvila slöts som ledde till slutet på första världskriget. Detta högtidlighålls vid ett stort firande i
Seminarium om Ingmar Bergman i Shanghai Som ett avslutande kapitel till firandet av Ingmar Bergmans hundraårsjubileum i Shanghai organiserar generalkonsulatet ett seminarium om Bergman söndag den 16