How to apply How to proceed: 1. Prepare the documentation Check which documents and personal information you need. You must for instance have arranged for a passport and medical travel insurance and
Trade between Sweden and Bangladesh Bangladesh is an important and growing Swedish trade partner in Southeast Asia Sweden and Bangladesh have ties reaching back to the independence. Development
Working holiday in Sweden If you are a young citizen of Australia (or another country that Sweden has an agreement with) who wants to experience life in Sweden and Swedish culture for a period of
UN Peacebuilding Commission Statement on the Liberian presidential run-off elections on 14 November United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Statement on the Liberian presidential run-off elections
イェンニー・二ルソン地方開発大臣来日 3月4~7日スウェーデンのイェンニー・二ルソン地方開発大臣が来日します。 来日目的は、FOODEX JAPAN 2019(第44回国際食品・飲料展)に参加することと、日本の食品産業に関する知見を得るためです。ニルソン大臣は、FOODEX JAPAN 2019へのスウェーデンからの代表団を率いて、スウェーデンブースで開会挨拶を行います。スウェーデン大使館は
Embassy Calendar, 11–17 November A selection of the activities arranged by/taking place at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing this week. This Week 11-15 November: Carin Jämtin, Director General of
OECD Interim Economic Outlook Building confidence crucial amid an uncertain economic recovery. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to threaten jobs, businesses and the health and well-being of
SWEDEN’S MINISTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE ATTENDS THE CHINA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPO IN SHANGHAI Mr. Tomas Eneroth, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport from the Ministry of Enterprise and
Ekrani i Artit The event Ekrani i Artit (The Art Screen) in Shkodra, orgenized by Art House Foundation under the artistic direction of Edi Muka will be held from 31 May to 4 June 2023. We are
Framework Agreement for Audit Services for the Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria The Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria is procuring audit services. Case number: UM2023/02835/PRET. The Embassy of Sweden in