LINKS Regional cooperation programme for the Middle East and North Africa The Swedish development cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa region aims to contribute to strengthened democracy
UN Human Rights Council, UPR 33rd session Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Delivered by Ambassador Veronika Bard Mr. President, Sweden
Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Nicaragua UN Human Rights Council, UPR 33rd session. Swedish statement delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin. Mr. President, Sweden
Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea UN Human Rights Council, UPR 33rd session. Delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin. Mr. President,
UN Human Rights Council, UPR 31st session Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on the Kingdom of Jordan Delivered by Minister-Counsellor Karin Bolin, Geneva, 6 November 2018 Mr.
For further general information about permits and visas to visit Sweden, please visit the Swedish Migration Agency. If you apply for a residence permit for highly qualified persons to look for work
Aqui pode encontrar informações sobre a ajuda que a embaixada pode oferecer em Portugal. Encontre a aba com a área de seu interesse e clique nela.
留学瑞典线下见面会上海站 10月31日,由瑞典对外交流委员会支持,瑞典驻上海总领事馆主办,面向2022年秋出国留学学生的留学瑞典线下见面会,在上海顺利举行。 瑞典驻上海副总领事何悦先生,签证领事孙玲玲女士,为参加活动的学生介绍瑞典高等教育情况,及签证相关信息。此外,活动还邀请了瑞典归国校友为参会的学生分享留学经历。近30名学生参加了本次活动。 China Standard Time
Collaborazione culturale con l’Ambasciata di Svezia Artisti svedesi e organizzatori di eventi culturali che promuovono la cultura svedese in Italia possono fare domanda all’ambasciata per un
Hälso- och sjukvård Hälso- och sjukvården är dålig med svenska mått mätt, i synnerhet gäller detta den offentliga sjukvården och särskilt utanför Bamako. Apotek är lätta att hitta i hela Bamako och