How to apply for a student visa? Most people applying for a residence permit to study at a university or college in Sweden can use the online application on the Swedish Migration Agency website. If
社会保障に関するスウェーデンと日本の間の協定 スウェーデン政府と日本政府は、社会保障の分野における相互の関係を規律することを希望して協定しました。 アニカ・ストランドヘル社会保障大臣と駐スウェーデン廣木重之日本国大使は4月11日、「Socialförsäkringsavtal (仮訳:日・スウェーデン社会保障協定)」に署名しました。両国での社会保障制度二重加入などの問題が解決し個人及び企業の
Swedish Dads-Kiwi Dads photography exhibition in Auckland The Embassy of Sweden in Canberra is bringing the Swedish Dads photo exhibition to New Zealand in collaboration with Global Women NZ,
Nordic Career Fair 2021 A rare opportunity to network with possible employers. For five years in a row, the Swedish Career Fair has been held in both Beijing and in Shanghai with more than 30
Photo exhibition Born To Be Wild inaugurated in Shanghai On October 19 the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai together with the Consulates General of Denmark and Norway inaugurated the
Development cooperation Sweden decided to re-establish a window for bilateral development cooperation with Armenia. Sweden supports Armenia through bilateral and regional initiatives and global
Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Azerbaijan UN Human Rights Council, UPR 30th session. Swedish statement delivered by Minister-Counsellor Ms. Karin Bolin. Mr. President, Sweden
UN Human Rights Council, UPR 31st session Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on China Delivered by Ambassador Mikael Anzén, Geneva, 6 November 2018 Mr. President, Sweden welcomes the
Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Chile Universal Periodic Review 32nd session, UN Human Rights Council. Swedish statement delivered by Minister-Counsellor Oscar Ekéus Mr.
UPR 35th session - Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Armenia UN Human Rights Council, UPR 35th session. The Swedish statement was delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin. Madame