4月17日瑞典护照申请时间调整 由于硬件系统更新,4月17日瑞典护照申请业务将暂停一天。 新护照领取业务将照常办理。 China Standard Time
Exposiciones Ingmar Bergman 100 en el Cine Doré La celebración del centenario del gran director, productor y guionista sueco Ingmar Bergman continúa con dos exposiciones organizadas por la Embajada
Söka Schengenvisering i Ecuador Information för medborgare i Ecuador, samt tredjelandsmedborgare i regionen som behöver visum för att resa till Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Island För sökande i
Questions and answers about the entry ban and requirement for a PCR test to enter into Sweden On 3 February 2021, the Government decided on certain amendments to the ban on entry to Sweden. The
Webinar on Female Economic Participation in the MENA region On December 8, the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar entitled, “Female Economic
Amendment regarding entry into Sweden as of 6th of September 2021 The Government to reintroduce ban on entry to Sweden for travelers from Lebanon The amendment will enter into force on 6 September
Today the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai Celebrates an Important Anniversary The Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai was officially inaugurated on 16 September 1996. A High-Level
New EU Visa Policy – New Visa CODE Read more about the new EU Visa Policy and the New Visa Code New EU Visa Policy – New Visa CODE New EU rules on short-stay (Schengen) visas become applicable from
A quick read during fika... Fika: coffee and something sweet is a social institution in Sweden. So ingrained in Swedish culture, that most companies add a clause to contracts, stating that employees
Vaga para Oficial Administrativo com foco em administração financeira A Embaixada procura reforçar a secção administrativa com uma pessoa que possa lidar com diversos assuntos administrativos, mas