Praktik på Sveriges ambassad i Riyadh vårterminen 2025 Sveriges ambassad i Riyadh erbjuder en praktikplats under vårterminen 2025. Vi erbjuder praktikanten möjligheten att få en allsidig inblick i
In- och utresebestämmelser Visum För inresa i Libanon krävs visum. Svenskar som reser till Libanon för att turista kan få visum vid den libanesiska gränsen men bör försäkra sig om aktuella
贸易障碍 使馆的主要指责之一是当瑞典公司遇到各种形式的贸易阻碍时,向他们提供协助和咨询。 什么是贸易障碍? 贸易障碍的定义涵盖所有形式官方阻碍或妨碍贸易商品或服务的措施,或以其他方式随意施加现有规则。例如,这可能是: 措施是违反现有的贸易协定 不明确的立法或繁琐的官僚作风 在法律案件或其他形式的法律进程中的政治干预。 在欧盟以外发生的贸易障碍由世贸组织相关规定以非歧视措施进行裁定,
#Bergman100 no CAIXA Belas Artes em São Paulo Em mais uma celebração do centenário de nascimento do diretor sueco Ingmar Bergman, Cineclube da Morte do CAIXA Belas Artes exibe O Sétimo Selo em
Nordic Talks Japan: A More Equal Democracy - Women's Representation in Politics The Nordic countries consistently ranking at the top of the GenderGap Index is a result of various policies and
Sweden to host global gender equality conference 15–17 April Leaders from all over the world will gather in Stockholm to intensify international efforts for gender equality. The Stockholm Forum on
电影“穿燕尾服的女孩”-探索身份的多样性 12月5日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆携手德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处为大家带来“穿燕尾服的女孩“,瑞典女导演卡琳·斯萬斯特洛姆最广为人知的一部作品。 这部电影被视为1920年瑞典默片时代的喜剧经典和女权先锋电影。此次放映作为欧洲酷儿电影系列的一部分,来自瑞典,意大利,奥地利,法国,荷兰,丹麦,芬兰和挪威的电影分别于12月5日及12日在歌德学院进行放映。 “
Work opportunity: Cultural Officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a local candidate to take up the task as Culture Officer. Please send in your application before 1 February 2022.
Comprehensive list of links to Sweden On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy. General Information SWEDEN.SE The official gateway to Sweden The
Vacant position: Communication officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a candidate who would be able to take up the challenging task as Communications Officer for its Public