Restrições para entrada a Suécia: Teste de Covid e recomendação de quarentena chegando do exterior Foi prolongado até o dia 31 de maio de 2021, a obrigatoriedade da apresentação de um resultado
Prawa osób LGBTQI w Szwecji W dniach 2-8 sierpnia w Sztokholmie trwa festiwal Stockhlom Pride. W tym roku festiwal odbywa się pod hasłem "Klucz do wolności"; wolności bycia sobą i kochania, kogo się
2019年瑞典露西亚庆典 12月7日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆将在上海举办露西亚庆典——瑞典圣诞季最重要的庆祝活动之一。 12月13日的露西亚之夜在古历中是一年中最长的夜晚,而露西亚是古老神话中的人物,肩负着为瑞典的黑暗冬季带来光明的使命。在传统的露西亚庆祝仪式中,一群以“露西亚女神”为首的少年少女会身穿白色长袍,头戴蜡烛,一边唱歌,一边步入黑暗的庆典会场。 12月7日,
#Bergman100 no CAIXA Belas Artes em São Paulo Em mais uma celebração do centenário de nascimento do diretor sueco Ingmar Bergman, Cineclube da Morte do CAIXA Belas Artes exibe O Sétimo Selo em
Nordic Talks Japan: A More Equal Democracy - Women's Representation in Politics The Nordic countries consistently ranking at the top of the GenderGap Index is a result of various policies and
Sweden to host global gender equality conference 15–17 April Leaders from all over the world will gather in Stockholm to intensify international efforts for gender equality. The Stockholm Forum on
Work opportunity: Cultural Officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a local candidate to take up the task as Culture Officer. Please send in your application before 1 February 2022.
Comprehensive list of links to Sweden On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy. General Information SWEDEN.SE The official gateway to Sweden The
Vacant position: Communication officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a candidate who would be able to take up the challenging task as Communications Officer for its Public
Nordic Talks Japan - How to Build Startup Ecosystems for a Better World? The challenges our world is facing - from imminent climate change to aging and shrinking population, to name but a few - are