Restrições para entrada a Suécia: Teste de Covid e recomendação de quarentena chegando do exterior Foi prolongado até o dia 31 de maio de 2021, a obrigatoriedade da apresentação de um resultado
Prawa osób LGBTQI w Szwecji W dniach 2-8 sierpnia w Sztokholmie trwa festiwal Stockhlom Pride. W tym roku festiwal odbywa się pod hasłem "Klucz do wolności"; wolności bycia sobą i kochania, kogo się
Work opportunity: Cultural Officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a local candidate to take up the task as Culture Officer. Please send in your application before 1 February 2022.
Comprehensive list of links to Sweden On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy. General Information SWEDEN.SE The official gateway to Sweden The
Vacant position: Communication officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a candidate who would be able to take up the challenging task as Communications Officer for its Public
Sweden - Thailand Sustainable Development Forum 2024 30 September 2024 Events details The Embassy of Sweden together with Business Sweden and Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce will organize “
Nordic Talks Japan - How to Build Startup Ecosystems for a Better World? The challenges our world is facing - from imminent climate change to aging and shrinking population, to name but a few - are
展览「瑞典设计故事 」在香港广场继续展出 3月11-4月10日,由瑞典对外交流委员会发起的展览「瑞典设计故事 」将在上海香港广场继续展出。 展览将以图文的形式,通过七位先锋瑞典设计师和设计品牌的创作构想和设计故事,展示以他们为代表的新一代瑞典设计师形成的全新审美——更加强调艺术表达,通过设计去承载更多社会责任和价值,致力于更具前瞻性的探索。 该展览在今年的“设计上海”中进行了四天的展出,
总领事馆学习考察 8月20日,总领馆接待了由启星亲子安排的学生代表团。参观期间,领事馆员工介绍了瑞典的文化、旅游和语言,并回答了孩子们的提问。 China Standard Time
伯格曼年压轴纪念活动在上海举行 12月16日,由瑞典驻上海总领事馆主办的伯格曼诞辰100周年的压轴大戏——伯格曼电影论坛在上海举行。来自瑞典的伯格曼专家斯蒂格·比约克曼、本特·万塞留斯以及中国导演王小帅、过士行一同就这位已故大师的作品及其对中国戏剧和电影的影响展开了讨论。 导演和作家斯蒂格·比约克曼以及摄影师本特·万塞留斯从伯格曼的作品及与其私人交往的角度,分享了伯格曼的趣闻及幕后故事。