Empresas suecas reúnem-se para discutir desafios no ambiente de negócios em Moçambique A Embaixadora da Suécia introduziu o business breakfast com as empresas suecas convidadas, abordando o trabalho
Solicitação do primeiro passaporte sueco para crianças menores de 18 anos Documentos necessários para solicitação para crianças que não tiveram passaporte anterior: Antes de fazer a solicitação do
Ministro para Defesa Civil da Suécia visita o Brasil em agenda oficial Ministro da Defesa Civil da Suécia participa da inauguração da instalação de montagem e testes do JAS 39 Gripen no Brasil e
我该如何了解有关瑞典与中国之间贸易的更多信息? 中国目前是瑞典在亚洲的最大贸易合作伙伴。 在过去几年当中,瑞典与中国的贸易在持续增长。大约有10,000家瑞典公司在与中国进行贸易往来,除此之外还有600多家瑞典公司已经建立了在华办事处。 点击这里了解更多: 瑞中贸易 贸易与推广 相关组织: 瑞典贸易投资委员会 中国瑞典商会 香港瑞典商会
スウェーデン・日社会保障協定の発効について スウェーデン・日社会保障協定の発効について 3月28日月曜日、アルダラン・シェカラビ社会保障大臣と能化正樹駐スウェーデン日本大使との間で、「社会保障に関するスウェーデンと日本との間の協定」の効力発生のための外交上の公文の交換が行われました。これにより、この協定は6月1日に効力を生ずることとなります。 この協定は日本については、国民年金と
中国瑞典商会举办国际妇女节早餐会活动 3月7日早上,瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士应邀出席由中国瑞典商会主办的国际妇女节活动----SH: International Women's Day - Breakfast & Inspiring talks 并发表演讲。 来自阿特拉斯·科普柯的Audrey Deng女士以及来自玛丽亚·古琦的Caroline Xue女士也作为演讲嘉宾出席了活动。
Work opportunity: Gardener The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Gardener. Please send in your application before 29 October 2021. The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is
Work opportunity: Technical Assistant The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Technical Assistant. Please send in your application before 29 May 2022. Update 22-05-24:
Vaccinated people travelling to Sweden from Armenia are exempted from the entry ban and test requirement, visa requirements are still in place. The Government today adopted amendments to the
Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States The fourth edition of “Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States,” highlights the magnitude and depth of the economic ties between Sweden and the United