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电影放映强调生物多样性的重要性 12月17日,在蒙特利尔举行的联合国生物多样性大会COP15期间,瑞典驻上海总领事馆在上海INLET放映了由瑞典导演兼制片人彼得·马格努森执导的纪录片《关于森林的一切》(Om Skogen)。 记录片中出镜的瑞典森林生物学家Sebastian Kirppu和自然向善组织创始人Jojo 郑旸捷分别分享了二人在瑞典和中国对于森林生态修护方面的经验和知识。约 50
距离 2023 年瑞典担任欧盟轮值主席国还有一年 一年后,瑞典将第三次担任欧盟轮值主席国,领导欧盟理事会的工作。 根据欧盟事务部长汉斯·达尔格伦的说法,最重要的任务是推动欧盟议程并做出有利于欧盟公民的决策。与捷克共和国和法国一道,瑞典已经成为共同制定未来 18 个月工作计划的轮值主席国之一。工作计划由三个欧盟成员国于 12 月 14 日在总务理事会联合呈现。 China Standard
12 月 17 日关于森林的电影放映 12月17日,瑞典导演Peter Magnusson执导的纪录片《关于森林的一切》将在上海今潮八弄上映。 瑞典以其茂密的森林而闻名,森林覆盖了大约 70% 的瑞典国土面积。 影片讲述了瑞典最后一片天然森林的故事。 瑞典还剩下多少真正的原始森林? 活动详情及报名详见海报。 China Standard Time
Work opportunity: Gardener The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Gardener. Please send in your application before 29 October 2021. The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is
Work opportunity: Technical Assistant The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Technical Assistant. Please send in your application before 29 May 2022. Update 22-05-24:
Vaccinated people travelling to Sweden from Armenia are exempted from the entry ban and test requirement, visa requirements are still in place. The Government today adopted amendments to the
Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States The fourth edition of “Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States,” highlights the magnitude and depth of the economic ties between Sweden and the United
Job opportunity – Driver/ Office Assistant The Embassy of Sweden in Singapore’s task is to represent Sweden and the Swedish Government in Singapore and in Brunei Darussalam and to promote Swedish
A Embaixada estará encerrada na terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2019 A Embaixada estará encerrada na terça-feira, 15 de Outubro de 2019 devido as Eleições e retomará as actividades na Quarta-feira, 16