Trade with Sweden If you are interested in exporting your products to Sweden or explore opportunities for investments in Sweden, below is a list of Swedish institutions dedicated to making it easier
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
If you want to visit Sweden or the Schengen area you may need a visa If you are a citizen in a country outside the EU and want to visit Sweden for a maximum of 90 days, you may need to apply for a
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Visiting Sweden For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its more
欧盟发言人关于新疆局势声明 中国政府对《新疆维吾尔自治区去除极端化条例》的修订,凸显了新疆人权状况的恶化。 据可靠报告称, 政治“再教育营” 的大规模拘留、 监视和旅行限制对新疆的维吾尔族和其他少数民族产生了影响, 据称在国外的维吾尔族人被非自愿地谴返回中国。这些修订违背了联合国消除种族歧视委员会提出的建议,该建议呼吁中国改变其在新疆维吾尔自治区的政策。 在这种情况下,
电影放映强调生物多样性的重要性 12月17日,在蒙特利尔举行的联合国生物多样性大会COP15期间,瑞典驻上海总领事馆在上海INLET放映了由瑞典导演兼制片人彼得·马格努森执导的纪录片《关于森林的一切》(Om Skogen)。 记录片中出镜的瑞典森林生物学家Sebastian Kirppu和自然向善组织创始人Jojo 郑旸捷分别分享了二人在瑞典和中国对于森林生态修护方面的经验和知识。约 50
Где учить шведский язык? Шведский – государственный язык Швеции и Финляндии, очень красивый и относительно простой для изучения язык. На нем говорят более 10 миллионов человек. Ниже
Adresser och telefonnummer i Tjeckien Akuthjälp 112 SOS call (pratar engelska, tyska) 155 Ambulans 158 Polis 150 Brandkår Adresser och telefonnummer i Prag Turistinformation tourinfo@
Ansöka om visum för Sverige eller Island För visumansökningar till Sverige har svenska ambassaden en överenskommelse med VFS Global i Rabat. Vänd dig därför till VFS Global för att lämna din ansökan