Work opportunity: Driver The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed driver. Please send in your application before 12 August 2022. The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is one of
Cambridge 28 May Sweden comes to Cambridge on 28th of May! The Swedish Ambassador Torbjörn Sohlström will visit the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and the AstraZeneca headquarters to highlight the
The Embassy of Sweden in Cairo is recruiting a Sustainability and Promotion Officer The post is open to Egyptian nationals as well as to applicants of other nationalities with a work residence
Suécia e IBIS lançam a quarta edição do Maputo Internet Forum A Oxfam – Ibis, com o apoio da Embaixada da Suécia, organizou a 4ª Edição do Maputo Internet Fórum (MIF). Sob o tema “Promovendo o
瑞典参加第三届中国国际进口博览会 第三届中国国际进口博览会(CIIE)于11月4日在上海开幕,瑞典贸易部长Anna Hallberg通过视频的形式参加了开幕式,瑞典驻华大使宋莲(Helena Sångeland)女士亲临开幕式现场。 瑞典企业今年在进博会中的参与度很高,有超过15家瑞典企业在此次进博会中设有展台,展品涵盖了AI和信息技术、医疗器械及医疗保健、汽车、食品及农产品。 11月6日,
Apply for a Visa If you want to visit Sweden and you are a citizen of non-EU country, you may need to apply for a visa. Applying via VFS Global in Egypt To improve the service available to those
上海-斯德哥尔摩开通直飞航线 中国东方航空公司开通上海-斯德哥尔摩开通直飞航线 今年6月16日起,中国东方航空公司将开通上海-斯德哥尔摩直飞航线,上海将成为继北京和香港之后,第三个开通直飞斯德哥尔摩航班的中国城市。 连接上海与斯德哥尔摩的直飞航线每周将有4个航班,由全新空客A330-220客机运营,每班可搭乘262名乘客,现已开放订票。 上海-
Ambassadör Staffan Herrströms månadsbrev Till alla svenskar som är i Thailand Vi fortsätter att leva i en tid, olik allt annat som jag tror de flesta av oss har upplevt. Covid-19 pandemin sätter
Praktiktjänstgöring vid OECD-delegationen Praktiktjänstgöring vid OECD-delegationen i Paris höstterminen 2025. Sveriges permanenta delegation vid Organisationen för ekonomiskt samarbete och
Allmänna säkerhetsläget Med anledning att Turkiet under perioder varit utsatt för terrorattentat uppmanas svenska resenärer till vaksamhet exempelvis vid allmänna platser så som större