Swedish food Sweden is a culinary nation shaped by its countryside. The summer – with long, light days and cool evenings – produces fruit that grows slowly and has rich flavors. The coastline
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Finding new areas of community participation? - The case of the Energy Sector in Mozambique? On Monday February 26, the Swedish Ambassador Marie Andersson de Frutos participated in a panel on
Hay-on-Wye 31 May - Hay Festival Swedish Children’s Culture at Hay Festival On Friday the 31st of May, Sweden is coming to Hay-on-Wye! Our Embassy on wheels will be driving through the Welsh
Visiting Sweden For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its more
采访请求 如果瑞典移民局要求您预约前往总领事馆面谈以申请居留或工作许可,请通过电子邮件 generalkonsulat.shanghai-visum@gov.se 与我们联系并提供以下信息: 全名(与护照上的姓名一致) 瑞典移民局提供的档案编号或控制编号 申请人人数(例如,如果有未成年共同申请人)
Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade Com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia e da Rede de Ex-Alunos e Ex-Alunas de Universidades da Suécia, ITEGO Carmem Dutra Araújo Formosa promove na sexta-feira, 28/08, a
Informação importante sobre a emissão de passaportes na Embaixada da Suécia Como resultado da pandemia de Corona, a maioria do pessoal diplomático foi enviado para a Suécia.Portanto, a partir da
瑞典生命科学和卫生健康平台访问辽宁省 瑞典生命科学和卫生健康平台于6月24日访问了辽宁省。 瑞典驻华大使馆,瑞典贸易与投资委员会以及阿斯利康,HemoCue,洁定,医科达和墨尼克公司代表参加了此次访问。代表团早上会见了辽宁省卫生健康委员会,辽宁省医疗保障局和辽宁省药品监督管理局。讨论的话题为辽宁省的医疗改革。下午,代表团会见了中国医科大学附属第一医院管理层,
瑞典与中国贸易 瑞典与中国的贸易在过去几年中一直在增加。除了与中国进行贸易的大约10,000家瑞典公司外,还有600多家瑞典公司在中国建立了分支机构。中国目前是瑞典在亚洲的最大贸易伙伴。 瑞典对华出口商品的近二分之一是各类工程产品、五分之一是医药产品和十分之一的原材料,诸如木材、造纸原料和铁矿石等。 工程产品也占瑞典从中国进口货物的近一半,其次服装占十分之一。