Zaposlenje u Švedskoj Ako niste državljanin zemlje članice EU, a želite da radite u Švedskoj, u većini slučajeva potrebna vam je radna dozvola. Da biste dobili radnu dozvolu, morate prvo dobiti
总领事馆于 3 月 17 日与18 日闭馆 由于上海的疫情防控措施,总领事馆于 3 月 17 日与18 日关闭。 如遇紧急情况,可拨打外交部领事紧急服务电话:+46 8 405 50 05。 您可以通过发送电子邮件到 generalkonsulat.shanghai@gov.se与总领事馆取得联系,紧急情况可拨打 +86 156 1804 8902。” China Standard Time
空缺职位及实习机会 您可以在下方链接中于与我们的社交媒体频道上找到总领事馆的空缺职位信息。 Vacancy – migration assistants - Sweden Abroad 瑞典驻上海总领事馆不提供实习机会,请在链接中阅读瑞典驻外使团实习机会的更多信息。
Prawa osób LGBTQI w Szwecji W dniach 2-8 sierpnia w Sztokholmie trwa festiwal Stockhlom Pride. W tym roku festiwal odbywa się pod hasłem "Klucz do wolności"; wolności bycia sobą i kochania, kogo się
Work opportunity: Cultural Officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a local candidate to take up the task as Culture Officer. Please send in your application before 1 February 2022.
Comprehensive list of links to Sweden On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy. General Information SWEDEN.SE The official gateway to Sweden The
Vacant position: Communication officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a candidate who would be able to take up the challenging task as Communications Officer for its Public
Sweden - Thailand Sustainable Development Forum 2024 30 September 2024 Events details The Embassy of Sweden together with Business Sweden and Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce will organize “
Nordic Talks Japan - How to Build Startup Ecosystems for a Better World? The challenges our world is facing - from imminent climate change to aging and shrinking population, to name but a few - are
Anunciando os Diálogos Nórdicos no Dia Internacional da Mulher Declaração conjunta para o dia 8 de março das representações nórdicas no Brasil: os países Nórdicos e o Brasil engajados na luta pela