Länkar Assosvezia Svensk-italienska handelskammaren Länk: www.assosvezia.it Business Sweden Business Swedens kontor i Italien. Länk: Italy - Business Sweden (business-sweden.com) Calendario delle
読書の秋の到来です。スウェーデン大使館から耳寄りなお知らせです! 11月20日~27日には毎年恒例のヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバルが開催されます。スウェーデンからはヤコブ・ヴェゲリウス氏の『サリー・ジョーンズの伝説』を紹介しますが、11月25日18:45-19:30にスウェーデン在住の著者と中継で結びトークイベントを開催します。詳細はhttps://eulitfest.jp/(準備中)をご参照下
Hälso- och sjukvård Hälso- och sjukvården är dålig med svenska mått mätt, i synnerhet gäller detta den offentliga sjukvården och särskilt utanför Bamako. Apotek är lätta att hitta i hela Bamako och
제5회 ‘코리아+스웨덴 영 디자인 어워드’ 개최 -‘미래를 위한 공간 및 인테리어 디자인’주제로 대한민국 청년 디자이너 발굴 - 한국의 청년 디자이너를 발굴 및 육성하기 위해 주한스웨덴대사관, 한국디자인진흥원(KIDP), 이케아 코리아가 공동으로 마련한 제5회 ‘코리아+스웨덴 영 디자인 어워드(Korea+Sweden Young Design Award)
Qual é a cooperação de desenvolvimento entre Suécia e Moçambique? A Suécia tem uma longa história de cooperação para o desenvolvimento com Moçambique. Você pode ler mais sobre isso aqui.
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Concert with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet will perform in Shanghai between November 13 to 15. The concert is one of four Swedish
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
ICT Sweden is the biggest market place in the Nordics and the natural location for the majority of international ICT companies targeted at the Nordic and Baltic markets. The consumer market in
Disfruta de la literatura infantil sueca de una manera virtual La Embajada de Suecia en colaboración con Gato Sueco Editorial y el programa Menudo Castillo ha publicado un podcast “Vientos del norte