スウェーデン国外で生まれた子どもの登録について2023 年から新しい規則が適用されます スウェーデン国外で生まれた子どもでスウェーデン国籍者としてパスポートを申請する場合は、コーディネーションナンバー(仮の個人番号)を大使館経由で本国の国税庁から取得する必要があります。 このコーディネーションナンバーの有効期限は 5 年間です。もしこのコーディネーションナンバーが失効した後に大使館に
Nya krav på inresetillstånd (ETA) till Storbritannien Nya brittiska inreseregler kommer att påverka svenska medborgare som besöker Storbritannien från och med 2 april 2025. Svenska medborgare,
Kontakt Välkommen till Sveriges ambassad i Belgrad, Serbien Besök oss Sveriges ambassad Ledi Pedzet 2 11040 Belgrade Serbien Tel Växeln +381 11 20 69 200 Migrationsfrågor +381 11 20 69 270 Fax +381
Request for Tenders Cleaning services 2021 See documents below. Tender Document cleaning services 2021.pdf Appendix 1 - General Conditions.pdf Appendix 2 - Draft contract.pdf Appendix 3 - Terms of
Migration Section Please contact the Migration Section of the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade for the information regarding visas, work, residence and student permits in Sweden. EMBASSY OF SWEDEN IN
Opening hours during the Chinese National Day (Golden Week) The Consulate General will be closed on the 2 and 3 October and will open as usual on Wednesday 4 October. In the event of a consular
Opening hours during Easter The Consulate General will be closed from March 29 to April 1. We will open again as normal on Tuesday April 2. In the event of a consular emergency, you can always reach
La embajada estará cerrada 28 de abril y 1 de mayo La embajada estará cerrada el viernes 28 de abril desde las 11.00 y el lunes 1 de mayo. La embajada estará cerrada el viernes 28 de abril desde
Embassy closed for Easter Due to the upcoming Easter holidays the embassy will be closed on the following days: Friday 2 April 2021 Good Friday Monday 5 April 2021 Easter Monday Friday 30 April
Procurement of services The Embassy of Sweden in Maputo, Mozambique has decided to procure the services of: 1. An Attorney company to provide legal assistance to the Embassy on a framework basis 2.