Schengen visa to Sweden or Iceland The Swedish Embassy in Rabat is also responsible for Schengen visa applications for Iceland in Morocco. To visit Sweden or Iceland you must have an entry visa. A
เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืนสวีเดน-ไทย 2024 30 กันยายน 2024 รายละเอียดกิจกรรม สถานเอกอัครราชทูตสวีเดนร่วมกับ Business Sweden และหอการค้าไทย-สวีเดน จัดงาน “เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน 2024” ภายในงาน
Brighton 25-26 May The Swedish Embassy will spend two days in Brighton. On Saturday 25 May at 5pm, free Charity Concert - Brighton Gay Men's Chorus sings ABBA. On Sunday 26 May, 11am-6pm, Pop-Up
About Business Sweden Business Sweden's purpose is to help Swedish companies to reach their full international potential. Business Sweden also strives to attract foreign direct investments to Sweden
Curfew with opportunity to buy food and medicines on foot and online The state of emergency and curfew continue to apply throughout Jordan. Since 25 March, small shops have been allowed to stay open
La estrategia de Suecia frente al COVID-19 ¿Tienes interés en conocer la estrategia de Suecia frente al Covid-19? Abajo puedes encontrar información, incluyendo enlaces a información de autoridades
Heimur Astridar Lindgren Hver vill ekki líta í heimsókn til Línu Langsokkur, Emil í Kattholti, börnin í Ólátagarði og Madditt? Og það allt í sömu ferð! Samhliða því getum við kannski farið í smá túr
Laxveiði - frábært og ódýrt Eitt besta og ódýrasta laxveiði í Evrópu er að finna í Svíþjóð. Einnig er m.a. hægt að veiða bleikju, silung, gedduborra og karfa ásamt fleiri tegundum. Laxveiði er
Passaporte provisório Caso tenha perdido seu passaporte comum e pretenda viajar em breve é possível solicitar um passaporte provisório. Um passaporte provisório normalmente é emitido para uma
留学瑞典”活动在上海举行 总领事馆同瑞典对外交流委员会一道于11月17日在上海新天地安达仕酒店举办了“留学瑞典“活动。约200位宾客参与了本次活动并借此良机深入了解了瑞典的教育环境。 活动的第一个环节是欢迎和简介,宾客们了解到了关于在瑞典学习、生活以及开启职业生涯的一些基础信息。随后他们在活动的问答环节了解了学校的申请流程,以及居留许可的申请要求。 校友们也分享了他们过往在瑞典学习的经历,