Zaposlenje u Švedskoj Ako niste državljanin zemlje članice EU, a želite da radite u Švedskoj, u većini slučajeva potrebna vam je radna dozvola. Da biste dobili radnu dozvolu, morate prvo dobiti
Hälso- och sjukvård Privat sjukvård i huvudstaden Managua håller hög standard för rutinåtgärder. Den är dock relativt dyr, varför det är viktigt att ha god reseförsäkring. Tillgången till
Trafiksäkerhet och resor i landet Trafiken i Lima är hetsig och riskabel. På landsvägarna är trafikolyckor vanliga, ofta med långfärdsbussar. Det är viktigt att iaktta stor försiktighet och
Anunciando os Diálogos Nórdicos no Dia Internacional da Mulher Declaração conjunta para o dia 8 de março das representações nórdicas no Brasil: os países Nórdicos e o Brasil engajados na luta pela
疫情下瑞典领馆处理申根签证申请的最新信息 瑞典的临时旅行禁令生效至10月31日,但是有延期的可能。 根据疫情在欧盟内外的进展,旅行禁令可能会放宽或者重新引入。 请注意,所有旅行者 都有 责任在出发前核实旅行禁令的 生效情况。 重要提示:持有签证并 不能 确保您被允许进入瑞典或者申根国家。瑞典边境警察将确定您是否符合入境条件。该项审核程序将在瑞典边境管制站进行。
Work opportunity: Cultural Officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a local candidate to take up the task as Culture Officer. Please send in your application before 1 February 2022.
Comprehensive list of links to Sweden On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy. General Information SWEDEN.SE The official gateway to Sweden The
Vacant position: Communication officer The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a candidate who would be able to take up the challenging task as Communications Officer for its Public
Sweden - Thailand Sustainable Development Forum 2024 30 September 2024 Events details The Embassy of Sweden together with Business Sweden and Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce will organize “
Nordic Talks Japan - How to Build Startup Ecosystems for a Better World? The challenges our world is facing - from imminent climate change to aging and shrinking population, to name but a few - are