#SuéciaEmCasa Especial: Data Nacional Sábado, 06/06, é Dia da Suécia. Nós celebraremos a nossa Data Nacional - que relembra a eleição, em 1523, de Gustav Vasa como rei da Suécia pelo Parlamento, e a
Konkurs dla dzieci i młodzieży "Jak mogę zmieniać świat na lepsze?"- regulamin Ambasada Szwecji wraz z patrnerami - Ambasadą Węgier, Stowarzyszeniem "Nigdy Więcej" i Wydawnictwem Znak - zaprasza
6月3日闭馆时间变更通知 6月3日周四瑞典驻上海总领事馆将于中午12点提前闭馆。咨询签证、居留许可以及工作许可的热线届时也将关闭。 瑞典驻上海总领事馆将于6月4日周五恢复正常工作。 China Standard Time
Särskilt flyg till Sverige för nordiska medborgare INFORMATION TILL SVENSKA MEDBORGARE I KOSOVO - SÄRSKILT FLYG TILL SVERIGE FÖR NORDISKA MEDBORGARE Ambassaden har talat med Air Prishtina som kan
2018年度瑞典企业招聘会上海场 4月7日,由中国瑞典商会Swedish Young Professionals组织的年度瑞典企业招聘会在上海四季酒店举行。瑞典驻上海总领事馆在招聘会现场设有展位,总领事林莉女士(Ms. Lisette Lindahl)发表开幕讲话。 H&M、沃尔沃汽车、英孚教育、阿特拉斯·科普柯等17家分属不同行业的瑞典企业参加了此次招聘会。来自MPS、Semcon和H&M
6月16日下午闭馆 总领事馆将于6月16日周五中午闭馆,并于6月19日周一恢复正常工作。如果您需要紧急的领事协助,请拨打总领事馆电话并选择连接到位于斯德哥尔摩的外交部。 China Standard Time
Nordic moods and baroque echoes - The Marais Project and Duo Langborn/Wendel February 2023 NSW Tour - presented in association with Musica Viva Australia and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Swedish music In Sweden, music is never far away. We sing, it's as simple as that. Sweden is also one of the biggest export nations of music in the world, and the biggest by far in terms of per
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
The Silent Pandemic: No Time To Wait Art exhibition during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week On Monday 15 November, the Swedish and UK Missions to the UN in Geneva pre-opened the World