Länkar Assosvezia Svensk-italienska handelskammaren Länk: www.assosvezia.it Business Sweden Business Swedens kontor i Italien. Länk: Italy - Business Sweden (business-sweden.com) Calendario delle
Aqui pode encontrar informações sobre a ajuda que a embaixada pode oferecer em Portugal. Encontre a aba com a área de seu interesse e clique nela.
距离 2023 年瑞典担任欧盟轮值主席国还有一年 一年后,瑞典将第三次担任欧盟轮值主席国,领导欧盟理事会的工作。 根据欧盟事务部长汉斯·达尔格伦的说法,最重要的任务是推动欧盟议程并做出有利于欧盟公民的决策。与捷克共和国和法国一道,瑞典已经成为共同制定未来 18 个月工作计划的轮值主席国之一。工作计划由三个欧盟成员国于 12 月 14 日在总务理事会联合呈现。 China Standard
Hälso- och sjukvård Hälso- och sjukvården är dålig med svenska mått mätt, i synnerhet gäller detta den offentliga sjukvården och särskilt utanför Bamako. Apotek är lätta att hitta i hela Bamako och
Qual é a cooperação de desenvolvimento entre Suécia e Moçambique? A Suécia tem uma longa história de cooperação para o desenvolvimento com Moçambique. Você pode ler mais sobre isso aqui.
展览「瑞典设计故事 」在香港广场继续展出 3月11-4月10日,由瑞典对外交流委员会发起的展览「瑞典设计故事 」将在上海香港广场继续展出。 展览将以图文的形式,通过七位先锋瑞典设计师和设计品牌的创作构想和设计故事,展示以他们为代表的新一代瑞典设计师形成的全新审美——更加强调艺术表达,通过设计去承载更多社会责任和价值,致力于更具前瞻性的探索。 该展览在今年的“设计上海”中进行了四天的展出,
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Concert with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet will perform in Shanghai between November 13 to 15. The concert is one of four Swedish
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
ICT Sweden is the biggest market place in the Nordics and the natural location for the majority of international ICT companies targeted at the Nordic and Baltic markets. The consumer market in