瑞典与中国建交70周年 2020年5月9日是瑞典与中国建交70周年纪念日。瑞典首位驻华大使,阿马斯顿先生,于1950年6月12日将外交国书呈递给了毛泽东主席。与此同时,中国首位驻瑞典大使耿飚到瑞典斯德哥尔摩赴任。这意味着,瑞典是第一个与中国建交的西方国家。 China Standard Time
ステファン・ロベーン首相、菅首相と電話会談 3月16日、スウェーデンのステファン・ロベーン首相は菅 義偉首相と15分におよぶ電話会談を行った。 2020年10月の菅首相就任して以来初めてのことである。両者は素晴らしい相互関係を確認し、貿易と投資といった分野のみならず気候、デジタル化、ジェンダー平等ならびに軍縮といった分野においてもさらなる連携を期待した。ロベーン首相はまた、2011年3月11
关于对记者、律师和维权人士被判刑的发言人声明 在中国,对言论自由、获取信息越来越多的限制,对记者恐吓和监视,以及对人权维护者、律师和知识分子的拘留、审判和判刑已经越来越并将持续成为主要关切。 2020年12月28日,上海市浦东新区人民法院以“寻衅滋事罪”判处张展女士有期徒刑四年。在被拘留之前,张展女士一直在报道武汉新冠肺炎疫情。 据可靠的消息来源,在被拘留期间,张女士受到了酷刑和虐待,
Visiting Sweden Welcome to Sweden Plan your holiday on Sweden's official website for tourism and travel information. Visit Sweden The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok is handling Schengen visa
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Visiting Sweden Entry to Sweden Citizens of the European Union do not need a visa for Sweden. A valid travel document is sufficient. For foreign citizens with right of residence in one of the
About us Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Singapore. Our task is to promote and strengthen the relations between Sweden and Singapore and Brunei respectively. <!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns
Bergman seminar in Shanghai As grand finale of our celebration of the Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman's 100th anniversary in Shanghai, the Consulate General is organizing a Bergman seminar on
Apply for a visa to Sweden Important information From 15th of March 2017 applications for Schengen visa to Sweden is handled by the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok. Services to applicants will be
About the Consulate General The Consulate General of Sweden in San Francisco represents Sweden in California and Hawaii. Its mission is to provide assistance to Swedes and to promote Swedish