Hjälp till självhjälp På denna sida kan du hitta information om vart du kan vända dig om olyckan är framme. Vid nödsituation utanför kontorstid kan UD:s konsulära jour nås genom att ringa
In- och utresebestämmelser Svenska ambassaden och utrikesdepartementet ansvarar inte för andra länders inresebestämmelser eller eventuella visumkrav. Den nedan angivna informationen är den senaste
Trade between Sweden & Thailand Thailand is Sweden's largest trade partner in South East Asia. Major Swedish export sectors are telecommunication equipment, power generation and transmission
Music by Design: Where Nordic Artists Meet Their Chinese Counterparts Onstage Nordic and Chinese music collaboration project ‘Music by Design’ returns to Shanghai showcasing a live performance on
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani brings Noetic & Untitled Black to Shanghai November 10 and 11, as a part of the 20th Shanghai International Arts Festival, Swedish GöteborgsOperans Danskompani dances in
Applying for a visa as temporary visitor Important information regarding Schengen visa applications to Sweden From March 22, 2024 Schengen visa applications must be submitted to the VFS
中国瑞典商会举办国际妇女节早餐会活动 3月7日早上,瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士应邀出席由中国瑞典商会主办的国际妇女节活动----SH: International Women's Day - Breakfast & Inspiring talks 并发表演讲。 来自阿特拉斯·科普柯的Audrey Deng女士以及来自玛丽亚·古琦的Caroline Xue女士也作为演讲嘉宾出席了活动。
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Concert with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet will perform in Shanghai between November 13 to 15. The concert is one of four Swedish
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European