#SuéciaEmCasa Especial: Data Nacional Sábado, 06/06, é Dia da Suécia. Nós celebraremos a nossa Data Nacional - que relembra a eleição, em 1523, de Gustav Vasa como rei da Suécia pelo Parlamento, e a
Konkurs dla dzieci i młodzieży "Jak mogę zmieniać świat na lepsze?"- regulamin Ambasada Szwecji wraz z patrnerami - Ambasadą Węgier, Stowarzyszeniem "Nigdy Więcej" i Wydawnictwem Znak - zaprasza
Sweden Jazz Week 「Sweden Jazz Week」は5月16日から23日にかけて、都内クラシック・ジャズ・クラブやコンサートホールで開催されます。スウェーデンのジャズと伝統的な能楽の初めての融合もお楽しみください。 スウェーデン大使館とスパイス・オブ・ライフが主催する 「Sweden Jazz Week」 は、スウェーデンが誇る最高のジャズミュージシャン11人の演奏を聴
大使馆将于 12 月22-26日闭馆 瑞典驻华大使馆将于12 月24-26日圣诞节期间闭馆,并于12月27日(星期五)重新开放。使馆全体员工预祝您圣诞节快乐! China Standard Time
瑞典参加中国国际食品和饮料展览会高级别会议 瑞典驻上海总领事 Marie-Claire Swärd Capra 女士和瑞典驻华大使馆林业和农业事务参赞 Magnus Carnwall 先生参加了今年亚洲最大的食品饮料展览会SIAL 的高级别会议。 新冠疫情让我们意识到我们对食品供应的依赖程度,以及如果没有建立一个可持续食品供应链我们将难以生存这一事实。食品的跨境运输应该成为一种常态,
Nordic moods and baroque echoes - The Marais Project and Duo Langborn/Wendel February 2023 NSW Tour - presented in association with Musica Viva Australia and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Swedish music In Sweden, music is never far away. We sing, it's as simple as that. Sweden is also one of the biggest export nations of music in the world, and the biggest by far in terms of per
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
The Silent Pandemic: No Time To Wait Art exhibition during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week On Monday 15 November, the Swedish and UK Missions to the UN in Geneva pre-opened the World
Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance The transition to a greener future is an existential global requirement, and it is a key priority for both Sweden and Korea. Team Sweden, represented by the