Länkar Assosvezia Svensk-italienska handelskammaren Länk: www.assosvezia.it Business Sweden Business Swedens kontor i Italien. Länk: Italy - Business Sweden (business-sweden.com) Calendario delle
Aqui pode encontrar informações sobre a ajuda que a embaixada pode oferecer em Portugal. Encontre a aba com a área de seu interesse e clique nela.
瑞典大学见面日 10月20日下午,瑞典驻上海总领事馆和瑞典对外交流委员会在外滩W酒店,举行了一场 “瑞典大学见面日” 活动。 该活动旨在吸引中国学生将瑞典作为未来留学目的地。13所瑞典大学和超过250名学生参加了本次活动。同时,主办方还为参加活动的学生提供了一次难得的VR体验项目,让学生提前感受瑞典的自然风光和文化生活。活动现场还提供了具有瑞典风味的各式茶点供学生品尝。本次活动除上海外,
Hälso- och sjukvård Hälso- och sjukvården är dålig med svenska mått mätt, i synnerhet gäller detta den offentliga sjukvården och särskilt utanför Bamako. Apotek är lätta att hitta i hela Bamako och
Qual é a cooperação de desenvolvimento entre Suécia e Moçambique? A Suécia tem uma longa história de cooperação para o desenvolvimento com Moçambique. Você pode ler mais sobre isso aqui.
国际发展与对外贸易部长本杰明·杜萨访问中国 11月5日至8日,国际发展与对外贸易部长本杰明·杜萨将访问北京和上海。在此期间,杜萨将与商业代表和中国政府官员举行会谈。 在北京,杜萨将与中国政府代表会面,讨论双边关系,将重点关注贸易和经济交流,以及瑞典企业在中国的营商环境。他还将参加在上海举行的中国国际进口博览会(CIIE),届时将与在中国市场活跃的瑞典企业代表会面。此外,他还将为瑞典工业馆揭幕
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Concert with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet will perform in Shanghai between November 13 to 15. The concert is one of four Swedish
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
ICT Sweden is the biggest market place in the Nordics and the natural location for the majority of international ICT companies targeted at the Nordic and Baltic markets. The consumer market in