CSR中心与联合国全球契约联合举办全球供应链中的体面劳动研讨会 6月18日,瑞典驻华使馆企业社会责任(CSR)中心与联合国全球契约组织在上海共同举办了一场全球供应链中的体面劳动研讨会。来自瑞典、中国企业、行业组织和国际组织的五十多位代表出席会议。 根据国际劳工组织的数据显示,全球每七份工作中,就有一份与全球供应链相关。致力于在全球供应链中推进体面劳动的公司可以作为有力的改变推动者,
Informações para Cidadãos do Brasil Viajar a Suécia Aqui você encontrará informações relevantes sobre viajar a Suécia, seja a passeio, para estudar ou para morar. Lembre-se de que as permissões de
Ministro para Defesa Civil da Suécia visita o Brasil em agenda oficial Ministro da Defesa Civil da Suécia participa da inauguração da instalação de montagem e testes do JAS 39 Gripen no Brasil e
Work opportunity: Gardener The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Gardener. Please send in your application before 29 October 2021. The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is
Work opportunity: Technical Assistant The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is looking for a locally employed Technical Assistant. Please send in your application before 29 May 2022. Update 22-05-24:
Vaccinated people travelling to Sweden from Armenia are exempted from the entry ban and test requirement, visa requirements are still in place. The Government today adopted amendments to the
Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States The fourth edition of “Sweden Creates Jobs in the United States,” highlights the magnitude and depth of the economic ties between Sweden and the United
Job opportunity – Driver/ Office Assistant The Embassy of Sweden in Singapore’s task is to represent Sweden and the Swedish Government in Singapore and in Brunei Darussalam and to promote Swedish
阿法拉伐在昆山投建新工厂 7月10日,阿法拉伐举办昆山流体生产基地三期工厂启动仪式。瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士(Ms. Lisette Lindahl)出席活动并发表开幕讲话。阿法拉伐的客户、合作伙伴,以及地方机构的代表等100余人参加了活动。 瑞典制造公司阿法拉伐进入中国市场超过30年,新的生产基地将创造500个就业机会,并主要生产工业、市政废水处理用卧式离心机、船用高速离心机及离心机组、
瑞典当代版画展览 5月5日-6月30日,瑞典版画家协会精选47人作品展在上海The Space展出。 本次展览的作品选自瑞典版画家协会和哥德堡版画家协会,展出了47位瑞典专业版画艺术家的70余件作品。他们来自不同背景,作品风格多元,共同呈现出近十年来瑞典当代版画艺术的面貌。 6月17日,哥德堡版画家协会会长比约·特克森(Bjoern Therkelson)将带来一场主题为“