Are there any Swedish language studies in Shanghai? In China you can study Swedish at four different universities of which two are in Shanghai. Those are: Fudan University Nordic Centre 220, Handan is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Procurement of Intermediary (Procurement Agent) Services The Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv wishes to procure a contract for intermediary (procurement agent) services. The assignment is described in the is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Swedish soul singer Elias on China tour As part of the Sino-Nordic music project "Music by Design", Swedish soul singer Elias is coming on a China tour. He will perform in Yiwu, Shanghai, Luoyang
International Women's Day Swedish Ambassador makes a commitment with Advance Women in Business Switzerland Equalitymeansbusiness#IWD2018 Tonight we celebrate IWD2018 with Advance Women in Business
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人身売買に対抗する活動における新たな支援 戦争と避難は、人々が売春や人身売買で搾取されるリスクが高まることを意味します。 戦争の結果として家族が離れ離れになった場合、女性と子どもは特に搾取される危険にさらされます。 そのため、人身売買に立ち向かうスウェーデンおよび外国の外交使節団を支援するために、新しい国際支援資料が作成されました。 スウェーデンは、バルト海諸国評議会 (CBSS)、子どもの