Nordic moods and baroque echoes - The Marais Project and Duo Langborn/Wendel February 2023 NSW Tour - presented in association with Musica Viva Australia and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Swedish music In Sweden, music is never far away. We sing, it's as simple as that. Sweden is also one of the biggest export nations of music in the world, and the biggest by far in terms of per
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
The Silent Pandemic: No Time To Wait Art exhibition during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week On Monday 15 November, the Swedish and UK Missions to the UN in Geneva pre-opened the World
Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance The transition to a greener future is an existential global requirement, and it is a key priority for both Sweden and Korea. Team Sweden, represented by the
Visiting Sweden (less than 90 days) If you are a Canadian citizen with a Canadian passport and would like to travel to Sweden for a visit (tourism or business travel) and your stay will not exceed
About us Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria, South Africa. Here diplomats from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SIDA - The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,
ノルディックトークスジャパン - デジタル社会における平和と民主主義の進め方 - ノルディックトークスジャパンは、持続可能な未来に向けたイベントシリーズです。北欧と日本の有識者による対話を通して、インスピレーションを与え合い、私たち一人一人がどのような行動を起こせるかを考えます。 デジタルツールやデバイスは、私たちを世界中の出来事に敏感にさせ、海外での出来事に対する意見形成にも大きく影響を与
欧盟发言人关于新疆局势声明 中国政府对《新疆维吾尔自治区去除极端化条例》的修订,凸显了新疆人权状况的恶化。 据可靠报告称, 政治“再教育营” 的大规模拘留、 监视和旅行限制对新疆的维吾尔族和其他少数民族产生了影响, 据称在国外的维吾尔族人被非自愿地谴返回中国。这些修订违背了联合国消除种族歧视委员会提出的建议,该建议呼吁中国改变其在新疆维吾尔自治区的政策。 在这种情况下,
《关于阿斯特丽德》电影放映与对谈 瑞典驻上海总领事馆将于 12 月 15 日组织一场关于女性赋权的文化活动。多位杰出商界女性将参与对谈环节。 随后将进行电影《关于阿斯特丽德》的放映,该片改编自 20 世纪上半叶瑞典作家阿斯特丽德·林格伦的早年生活。 Astrid Lindgren (阿斯特丽德·林格伦) 是瑞典最著名的童书作家之一,广为人知的她的成名作《长袜子皮皮》。此外,阿斯特丽德·