The Nordics jointly participating at World Expo 2025 in Osaka Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden are very proud to unite in one pavilion for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, taking place in Japan
About Sweden For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its more
Trade and Investment Promotion An important task for the Embassy is to promote Swedish economic interests. Trade and Investment Promotion Part of the Embassy’s mandate is to promote deeper and
Schengen visa to Sweden or Iceland The Swedish Embassy in Rabat is also responsible for Schengen visa applications for Iceland in Morocco. To visit Sweden or Iceland you must have an entry visa. A
เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืนสวีเดน-ไทย 2024 30 กันยายน 2024 รายละเอียดกิจกรรม สถานเอกอัครราชทูตสวีเดนร่วมกับ Business Sweden และหอการค้าไทย-สวีเดน จัดงาน “เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน 2024” ภายในงาน
La estrategia de Suecia frente al COVID-19 ¿Tienes interés en conocer la estrategia de Suecia frente al Covid-19? Abajo puedes encontrar información, incluyendo enlaces a información de autoridades
Heimur Astridar Lindgren Hver vill ekki líta í heimsókn til Línu Langsokkur, Emil í Kattholti, börnin í Ólátagarði og Madditt? Og það allt í sömu ferð! Samhliða því getum við kannski farið í smá túr
Laxveiði - frábært og ódýrt Eitt besta og ódýrasta laxveiði í Evrópu er að finna í Svíþjóð. Einnig er m.a. hægt að veiða bleikju, silung, gedduborra og karfa ásamt fleiri tegundum. Laxveiði er
Passaporte provisório Caso tenha perdido seu passaporte comum e pretenda viajar em breve é possível solicitar um passaporte provisório. Um passaporte provisório normalmente é emitido para uma
贸易与推广 保护瑞典在中国贸易与推广领域的利益是瑞典驻华大使馆北京办公室的首要任务之一。中国的经济发展为瑞典的企业创造了很多机遇和挑战。中国目前是瑞典在亚洲最重要的市场。此外,中国不但在生产和采购领域、而且还日益在研发领域,是很多瑞典公司的一大重要基地。 在中国,很多商业决策需要与相关政府部门进行沟通或互动。