Are there any Swedish language studies in Shanghai? In China you can study Swedish at four different universities of which two are in Shanghai. Those are: Fudan University Nordic Centre 220, Handan is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Procurement of Intermediary (Procurement Agent) Services The Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv wishes to procure a contract for intermediary (procurement agent) services. The assignment is described in the is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Swedish soul singer Elias on China tour As part of the Sino-Nordic music project "Music by Design", Swedish soul singer Elias is coming on a China tour. He will perform in Yiwu, Shanghai, Luoyang
International Women's Day Swedish Ambassador makes a commitment with Advance Women in Business Switzerland Equalitymeansbusiness#IWD2018 Tonight we celebrate IWD2018 with Advance Women in Business
二国間協力 ここではスウェーデンと日本のサステナビリティー分野での二国間協力のプロジェクトをまとめます SEABOS(海洋管理のための水産事業) 海洋を保護するため、持続可能な水産業への転換をすすめ、さらには海洋プラスチックや気候変動の問題にも取り組むための科学とビジネスをつないだイニシアチブ。グローバルな取り組みですが、日本とスウェーデンの協力によって大きく前進したプロジェクトです。
Internetbedrägeri Internetbedrägerier är vanligt förekommande i Malaysia. Bedrägerier kan bland annat röra sig om påståenden om att man måste betala för oväntade sjukhusavgifter eller tullavgifter.
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Konsert med Göteborgs Symfonikers pianokvartett Mellan den 13 och 15 november spelar Göteborgs Symfonikers pianokvartett i Shanghai. Föreställningen är en av fyra svenska programtitlar i årets