距离 2023 年瑞典担任欧盟轮值主席国还有一年 一年后,瑞典将第三次担任欧盟轮值主席国,领导欧盟理事会的工作。 根据欧盟事务部长汉斯·达尔格伦的说法,最重要的任务是推动欧盟议程并做出有利于欧盟公民的决策。与捷克共和国和法国一道,瑞典已经成为共同制定未来 18 个月工作计划的轮值主席国之一。工作计划由三个欧盟成员国于 12 月 14 日在总务理事会联合呈现。 China Standard
欧盟外交与安全政策发言人就香港情况发表的声明 鉴于香港的持续不稳定状况及增长的暴力事件,各方必须保持克制、拒绝各种暴力,并采取紧急措施,以缓和局势。 现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是推进包括所有主要利益方在内的基础广泛并有包容性对话的政治进程。 China Standard Time
针对警方介入三名中国公民事件的评论 大使馆已获悉,三名中国公民指责斯德哥尔摩警方在介入事件后不当使用暴力执法。 每当收到针对瑞典警方在执法过程中有违法嫌疑的投诉后,瑞典方面都会指派专门的检察官对案件进行独立调查以确定警方是否有失职或违法行为。对于这几位中国公民声称遭到警方暴力对待的情况,瑞典方面同样已采取上述措施。 China Standard Time
致所有申根签证申请人的重要信息 目前,瑞典驻上海总领事馆正处于申根签证申请的高负荷工作状态。申根签证审理时间一般是15个自然日,总领事馆目前仍在该限期内做出决定。但请申请人注意,计算时间不是从申请提交至VFS签证申请中心之日开始计算,而是从总领事馆收到申请之日起计算。 总领事馆以收到签证申请的先后顺序来审理,而非您的出发日期。尤其是在旺季,请准备好您的行程并尽可能提前申请。
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Swedish food Sweden is a culinary nation shaped by its countryside. The summer – with long, light days and cool evenings – produces fruit that grows slowly and has rich flavors. The coastline
Swedish food Sweden is a culinary nation shaped by its countryside. The summer – with long, light days and cool evenings – produces fruit that grows slowly and has rich flavors. The coastline
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Finding new areas of community participation? - The case of the Energy Sector in Mozambique? On Monday February 26, the Swedish Ambassador Marie Andersson de Frutos participated in a panel on