Please be informed that Sweden is represented by the Latvian Embassy and Consulate General of Lithuania in Kazakhstan for visa matters. In Almaty: LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC tel.: 263-25-05; 263-10-40;
Schulen In Deutschland gibt es zwei schwedische Schulen für Schüler mit Kenntnissen in der schwedischen Sprache. Zusätzlich ermöglichen schwedische Schulvereine Schwedischunterricht für schwedische
Travel with your pet to Sweden There are common requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU. The animal must be ID-marked. The animal must have a valid vaccination against
Business Anti-Corruption Portal The Business Anti-Corruption Portal provides information for small and medium sized companies operating in emerging markets and developing countries. The Portal
Göta Brass Band – conducted by Michael Thomsen - in Montreux (25 – 28 April) The European Brass Bands Competition will take place in Montreux from 25 to 28 April 2019. Brass bands from all over
Schengen visas for applicants going to Sweden Following the closure of the European Union (EU) borders and the Schengen area as of 17th March 2020, the Embassy of France in Kampala is suspending all
瑞典驻华大使馆将于11月19日闭馆两天 瑞典驻华大使馆将于11月19日闭馆两天。11月23日正常开放。请签证申请人提前安排好时间。 China Standard Time
厄勒布鲁室内合唱团上海独唱会吸引逾700人参加 6月2日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆携手厄勒布鲁室内合唱团共同呈现“与厄勒布鲁室内合唱团之约:来自极光之国的歌曲”小型音乐会。音乐会在上海市中心的一座教堂举行。 6月3日,厄勒布鲁室内合唱团受邀与上海国际联盟合唱团合作,在上海东方艺术中心带来巴赫作品《圣约翰受难曲》(
瑞典驻上海总领事赴南京参加圆桌会议 3月20日,受江苏省人民政府之邀,各国驻沪领事机构代表前往南京参加圆桌会议。瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士应邀出席。 此次圆桌会议以“新时代江苏新开放”为主题,重点讨论了处于“一带一路”交汇点的江苏省,将加强与各国的交流合作,共同把握开放新机遇,分享发展新成果,谱写合作发展新篇章。江苏省省委书记、省人大常委会主任娄勤俭、江苏省省长吴政隆,
Am nevoie de o visa pentru Suedia? Din 28 aprilie 2014, cetățenii Reublicii Moldova deținători de pașapoarte biometrice vor putea călători fără vize în spațiul Schengen pentru o perioadă de până la