Quiz Sweden-Makerere Days of Excellence You can find information about admission below! The Sweden-Makerere Days of Excellence will celebrate the vital role of research, science and innovation in
Schengen visas from Tanzanian residents handled in Nairobi Please note that from March 1st 2021 Tanzanian residents should submit their Schengen visa applications at Sweden Visa Application Centre,
人身売買に対抗する活動における新たな支援 戦争と避難は、人々が売春や人身売買で搾取されるリスクが高まることを意味します。 戦争の結果として家族が離れ離れになった場合、女性と子どもは特に搾取される危険にさらされます。 そのため、人身売買に立ち向かうスウェーデンおよび外国の外交使節団を支援するために、新しい国際支援資料が作成されました。 スウェーデンは、バルト海諸国評議会 (CBSS)、子どもの
+55 61 99890 4716 ambassaden.brasilia@gov.se Instagram Twitter Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? About Sweden Facebook swedeninbrazil BR Brasil Brasília E. South America Standard Time
Srednjoškolci, prijavite se! Prva Generacija Hrvatska 2018 Kampanja #PrvaGeneracija je natjecanje za učenike srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj u izradi informativne kampanje na temu Globalnih ciljeva
北欧与乌克兰团结一致:一周年 丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典首相的联合声明 今天,距离俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰已经过去了一年的时间。这场毫无理由、无端且非法的军事进攻在过去的365天中造成了难以想象的痛苦、死亡和破坏,其规模是二战以来欧洲大陆上从未见过的。在这场侵略战争中,数百万人流离失所,并不得不与家人分离。时至今日,针对平民和重要基础设施所发起的令人发指的袭击还在持续伤害着众多无辜和弱势群体。
Study in Sweden Virtual Fairs If you are interested in higher education in Sweden, don’t miss the Study in Sweden Virtual Fairs Autumn 2020 taking place from 17 October to 7 November. Fair
Swedish metal band Therion on China tour The pioneer of the symphonic metal genre, Therion from Sweden, is coming to China for a second time. They will perform in Guangzhou, Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai
Roy Andersson’s new film “About Endlessness” out in Switzerland on March 5th Roy Andersson’s new oeuvre i a reflection on human life in all its beauty and cruelty, its splendor and banality.
Business Sweden in the region Business Sweden in Vienna is the responsible regional office that covers Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovenia & Croatia and handle inquiries for the Western Balkan