Swedish music In Sweden, music is never far away. We sing, it's as simple as that. Sweden is also one of the biggest export nations of music in the world, and the biggest by far in terms of per
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
The Silent Pandemic: No Time To Wait Art exhibition during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week On Monday 15 November, the Swedish and UK Missions to the UN in Geneva pre-opened the World
Sweden+Korea Green Transition Alliance The transition to a greener future is an existential global requirement, and it is a key priority for both Sweden and Korea. Team Sweden, represented by the
Visiting Sweden (less than 90 days) If you are a Canadian citizen with a Canadian passport and would like to travel to Sweden for a visit (tourism or business travel) and your stay will not exceed
About us Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria, South Africa. Here diplomats from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SIDA - The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,
Handel med utlandet Thailand är Sveriges största handelspartner i Sydostasien. Stora svenska exportsektorer är telekommunikationsutrustning, kraftgenerering och transmissionsutrustning, fordon och
Music by Design: Scenen där nordiska och kinesiska musiker möts Det nordiska och kinesiska musiksamarbetet ”Music by Design” kommer på nytt till Shanghai med en liveföreställning på YuYinTang Park
In- och utresebestämmelser Från och med den 1 januari 2017 har Kazakstan infört viseringsfrihet för svenska medborgare, medborgare i övriga medlemsländer tillhörande OECD samt i Förenande
瑞典签证 ADS 签证 - 团体旅游签证 由申根国家签发的 ADS 签证允许在申根区内按预定行程旅游。ADS 签证签发给至少 5 人的旅行团成员。最长停留时间为 30 天。 签证申请 ADS 签证通过 ADS 授权的旅行社申请。申请案直接(即不通过邮寄)由旅行社指定的送签员递交。 需通过 ADS 授权旅行社提交的文件: 所有签证申请人都需准备的文件。无需确认已支付申请费的收据。