Your search on 呼图壁办假结婚证【网址】 resulted in 1402 hits

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  • Tourist information

    About Sweden / Lithuania / Going to Sweden? / Tourist information

    Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its

  • EDM Community Participation Programme

    Embassies / Mozambique, Maputo / Current / News

    Finding new areas of community participation? - The case of the Energy Sector in Mozambique? On Monday February 26, the Swedish Ambassador Marie Andersson de Frutos participated in a panel on

  • Hay-on-Wye 31 May - Hay Festival

    About Sweden / United Kingdom

    Hay-on-Wye 31 May - Hay Festival Swedish Children’s Culture at Hay Festival On Friday the 31st of May, Sweden is coming to Hay-on-Wye! Our Embassy on wheels will be driving through the Welsh

  • Visiting Sweden

    About Sweden / Iceland / Going to Sweden? / Visiting Sweden

    Visiting Sweden For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its more

  • Nota de prensa

    Embassies / Spain, Madrid / Current / News

    Mind the Gap - Mujeres, Ciencia, Innovación NOTA DE PRENSA: Arranca la XVIII Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid con una jornada sobre la importancia de aumentar la presencia y la

  • Mulheres pela paz

    Embassies / Mozambique, Maputo / Current / News

    Mulheres pela paz A embaixadora Marie Andersson de Frutos deu um discurso de abertura na 1ª Conferência Nacional da Mulher pela Paz, que decorreu de 21 a 23 de agosto, na Beira. Foi acompanhada do

  • Tabela de Taxas

    About abroad / Brasilien / Hjälp till svenskar utomlands / Tabela de Taxas

    Tabela de taxas Confira a tabela de taxas cobradas pela Embaixada. As taxas devem ser pagas em reais (BRL) de acordo com a lista de preços da tabela em vigor atualmente. Taxas consulares a partir

  • “Music by Design”音乐项目完美收官

    Embassies / China, Shanghai / News

    “Music by Design”音乐项目完美收官 北欧-中国音乐创作跨界合作项目“Music by Design”上周六在育音堂公园完美收官,来自中国、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、瑞典的音乐人共同呈现了一场精彩演出。 “Music by Design”是由北欧四国领馆联合主办的音乐项目,得到了北欧部长理事会及上海对外文化交流协会的大力支持。该项目将北欧和中国音乐人组成音乐创作搭档,

  • 上海骄傲节北欧日

    Embassies / China, Shanghai

    上海骄傲节北欧日 6月16日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆与上海骄傲节,以及丹麦、芬兰、挪威驻上海总领事馆合作,在2019上海骄傲电影节期间举办北欧日活动。 这是四个北欧国家驻沪总领事馆首次携手和上海骄傲节合作举办活动。北欧日将放映11部来自北欧的电影,其中包括《回忆Leo》和《推撞》两部瑞典短片。在电影放映之后,还将有“酷儿生活:北欧与上海”专题讨论,生活在上海的北欧酷儿将来到现场,

  • 瑞典驻沪总领事在“女性安全论坛”中发表讲话

    Embassies / China, Shanghai / News

    瑞典驻沪总领事在“女性安全论坛”中发表讲话 3月18日,由捷克共和国驻上海总领事馆主办的“女性安全论坛”在上海当代艺术馆举行。瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士发表了以“女性、和平和安全”为主题的讲话并参与讨论,该主题也是瑞典女权主义外交政策的焦点之一。 此次论坛是2019国际妇女节的特别活动,也是“一带一路两端的女性领导力”系列活动之一,论坛围绕“全球推动女性赋权的运动:消除家庭暴力和针对妇女的歧视