The Embassy is closed 29/3 and 1/4 The Embassy is closed on Friday 29 March and Monday 1 April. We will be open again on Tuesday 2 April. Israel Standard Time
Embassy closed 1 May The Embassy in Zagreb will close at 15.00 on Tuesday 30 April, Walpurgis Eve. The Embassy will also be closed on Wednesday 1 May, Labour Day. Welcome back on Thursday 2 May!
For further general information about permits and visas to visit Sweden, please visit the Swedish Migration Agency. Regarding requirements on passports for foreign citizens According to the Swedish
Sverige i Portugal Här hittar du information om svenska föreningar i Portugal. Swedish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (CLS) Tel: +351 910 091 731 E-post: Hemsida:
Hur är vädret i Vietnam? Tropiska cykloner, så kallade tyfoner förekommer främst under sensommaren och hösten i Vietnam. Dessa kan orsaka stor förödelse. Översvämningar är under denna del av året
+62 21 2553 5941 +62 21 2553 5900 Allmäna förfrågningar Frågor om viseringar och uppehållstillstånd Sveriges ambassad i Jakarta.
Ambassador Jan Thesleff presented his credentials in Sri Lanka On the 2 of February 2023, Ambassador Jan Thesleff presented his credentials to the President of Sri Lanka Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe.
Opening hours during the Chinese New Year The Consulate General will be closed during the following days: Monday January 31 Tuesdag February 1 Wednesday February 2 China
Opening hours during the holidays The embassy will be closed on the following dates: 24 December, 25 December, 26 December, 1 January, 2 January and 7 January Central European Standard Time
卡罗林斯卡医学院中国校友会在上海成立 40多名卡罗林斯卡医学院毕业生于10月16日星期二晚,相聚在瑞典驻上海总领事官邸,庆祝卡罗林斯卡医学院中国校友会成立。该校友会是卡罗林斯卡医学院全球范围内第一个正式成立的校友会,除上海外,该校还将在北京和济南举办校友活动。 自2012年以来,通过微信等社交平台中国的卡罗林斯卡校友从20人逐渐发展到现在超过200人。和其他瑞典大学相比,该校校友普遍比较资深